5 Key Strategies For Social Media Success for Beginners

Social Media Strategies for Beginners

These days everyone is diving into social media to strike growth. But this isn’t an overnight process, be it small or large business. Given the high number of competitors, succeeding without a solid strategy isn’t impossible. However, there is an easier way to do the same when you buy Instagram Followers

But that alone can’t promise you long-term growth. With billions of users actively engaging, not following a plan or strategy, can lead to damage to your brand’s reputation.

So whether you’re new to the world of social media marketing or stuck in between, here are some best social media strategies for beginners like you. 

5 Social Media Strategies for Beginners

Here are some best social media strategies for beginners to follow:

1. Repurpose Your Content on Multiple Platforms

On social media, content is king, but producing multiple pieces of content every day isn’t easy. This is where repurposing or content recycling helps. It is the process of reusing existing content but presenting it in a new way. And this does help in several ways.

  • Examples of how to repurpose content

Because repurposing doesn’t mean copying and pasting, wondering how repurposing can be done. Well, a fine example is- turning your long-form videos into a blog post by fitting keywords naturally, adding a headlist and images, or turning them into short clips. 

  • Benefits of repurposing

Repurposing content has many benefits, such as expanding your reach on different platforms, providing an SEO boost, and preventing limitations while making your content more discoverable. 

2. Conduct Polls and Surveys

Another best social media strategy for beginners is to conduct polls and surveys. Polls allow you to ask a limited set of questions, while surveys allow you to engage in long questionnaires.

Both polls and surveys are highly beneficial as they help in understanding the needs and demands of your audience, make your brand more engaging and interactive, help in gaining valuable insights, and also help in receiving feedback and responses.

Every time you add a poll to your social media feed, you’ve opened the gate of interaction with your followers. However, here are some ideas for poll questions that will help you increase engagement:

  1. What is your favorite social media site?

Ans- Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

  • What is your favorite travel destination?

Ans- Europe, America, India

As these are examples, make sure to add polls related to your products and services.

  • How to use feedback from polls.

The first step to using feedback from polls is to provide your audience with effective and interesting questions. Once you’re done, go through each question and answer and use the feedback to learn, grow, and change things for the better.

3. Add Evergreen Content to Your Calendar

Evergreen contents are search-optimized content that stays fresh even after a long period. Therefore, adding these contents to your calendar means taking a step towards success.

  • Definition of evergreen content.

In simple words, evergreen content remains fresh and valuable to both readers and viewers. It is year-round and a staple of successful content strategy.

  • Types of evergreen content.

However, different types of evergreen content are available. These include news articles and videos that share tips and tricks on health, career, finance, relationships, and more.

  • How to incorporate it into your strategy

Evergreen content can be relied on for social media success. To incorporate it, start by choosing the right topics, using appropriate keywords, looking for the right dates and events, and updating content regularly.

4. Start a Social Media Content Series

Whether you’re a content creator or have a specific niche, you can rely on social media content series for success. Wondering what it is actually?

Well, social media series are the normal content that you share but will have some twists. When it comes to series, you can create multiple videos about one topic.

Creating a content series isn’t as easy as it sounds. One needs to be unique and follow a forward-thinking approach. Besides, here are some ideas for series topics :

  1. Talk show content series
  2. Reaction video content series
  3. Behind-the-scenes content series
  4. Advantages of running a series.

Creating a social media content series is helpful and has many benefits. For instance, it allows followers to keep coming back to you, your audiences will stick around longer, you’ll generate more and better leads, etc. All these will increase brand awareness, thereby leading to success and loyal fans.

5. Utilize Trending Memes and Hashtags

When it comes to social media success for beginners, memes and hashtags play an important role. They have become an integral part of social media communication, allowing people to find posts related to their interests.

Being memes and hashtags the new trend, there are many benefits of participating in trends. This includes:

  1. Helps in increasing the visibility of your posts on social media platforms 
  2. It helps in boosting engagement thereby leading to more likes, comments, and shares even without asking.
  3. Memes and hashtags also help to build community around topics and interests.
  4. Examples of successful trend participation.

Some of the successful trend participation examples are Netflix and the Bird Box Challenge, Oreo and the Super Bowl Blackout, and others.

  • Tips for staying authentic.

To be successful in the social media world, it is very important to stay authentic. For this, one shouldn’t upload forced content, focus and share on things and brands you know about, be original and do not copy others, always stay consistent, focus on your audiences, and engage with them with replies and comments. 


With millions of people spending time there with different preferences, it is important to know your goal and your target audience.

Be it any social media platform you choose, remember to never hasten. Always stay consistent and patient with your growth. When talking about social media success, never forget the 2 important pillars.

One is setting up your goals and their usage. Second, engaging with your followers and making them feel connected and valued.

Enhance your Instagram strategy with Thunderclap.it social media growth services. By optimizing content, leveraging trending hashtags, and engaging with influencers, they empower businesses to expand their reach, attract new followers, and boost overall engagement.

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